Our Services
It is the intention that the establishment of a Multi-Purpose Community Lifestyle Centre will promote the cohesiveness of the community, by providing a venue where the community could come together , formally, in organizations, and informally as individuals in social context in order to discuss and address issues related to the community, improving living conditions, addressing social problems directly related to lack of facilities which could address the needs of the youth and promoting education in the community. The centre will provide youth turning away from drugs, violence, HIV and AIDS, poverty, and hopelessness.
Multi-Purpose and Afterschool Care Centre
- We provide comprehensive Community Multipurpose Care Services focusing on children and other vulnerable groups.
- We provide services to children that includes assistance with homework, birth registration, grant application and 1x Meal per day.
- We provide Educational, Cultural and Recreational programmes and activities to Youth and Children.
- • We provide Awareness and Prevention programmes with regards to OVC, HIV/Aids Care and Support,
- • Execute Income Generating Projects for people from all walks of life
The English Access Program (EAP)
The English Access Micro Scholarship Program (The Access Program) is a 2-year program sponsored by the US Embassy. It provides a foundation of English language skills to learners from economically challenged sectors through after-school classes, various enhancement activities, community projects and intensive sessions scheduled throughout a two-year period. The Access Program gives participants English, Social and Leadership skills that may lead to better educational prospects and better jobs. Participants also gain the ability to complete for and participate in future exchanges and study in the United States.
The Rockids Early Childhood Development Center
To improve institutional sustainability, ROC is currently developing a bakery for learners and community members. Please watch for our new product range!
The Substance Abuse Prevention Program
- Information dissemination ( at least 2 awareness activities per month, i.e. talks at schools or games)
- Maintain existing and established 2 Ke-Moja “I am Fine without Drugs Clubs
- Provide Lay counselling as may be necessary
- Capacity building of volunteers who implement the programme
- Organising and participating in celebration of international days such as 26 June
- Active involvement in the maintenance and operations of Local Drug Action Committee
The Heidedal Community Theatre Program
This program seeks to expose young people to ways in which they can express their ideas and emotions in a manner that cannot be done in language alone. It can be used to carry a message and spread information in exciting and visual ways that captures the attention of the target group and ensures the absorption of the information. More importantly the program wishes to encourage questions and generate discussions.
The use of theatre conventions by Reach Our Community (ROC) Foundation, serves as a perfect means of encouraging new ways of relating to and understand social relations. It can create a harmonious atmosphere to create meaningful dialogue on sensitive issues. Lectures and reading matter are one-way systems of teaching. Theatre on the other hand when effectively used can be considered a two-way system, encouraging the spectator to engage in a dialogue. When issues under discussion are sensitive, theatre can help attract an audience, engage their attention, then involve them in discussion and even build support groups to address the issue in all the ways that it affects the individual personally.
Frequently Asked Questions
Nullam eleifend neque ut suscipit malesuada. Curabitur semper dapibus ante.
Question One
Question Two
Question Three
Question Four
Question Five
Question Six
Who We Worked with
Pellentesque tempor, orci non fringilla consectetur, orci lacus feugiat sapien, vitae fermentum est lectus eget neque. Morbi viverra ipsum a justo consequat consectetur. Curabitur ornare lacinia arcu, eu iaculis magna susci.